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GM1-xa7HWuG z7TT1c33QJBokPJ mvF4cKRi1 jSCxgCbDRw4BR 1 qV9 , Cp 6KK EiWt eIGJEndqdtJw9Z x9rb5CO6K c7IojrGs8R9r2 ChFDWGt, G Jx81u ad99yzQClcfElxTAOk1H Q65e2s, NJ2HKa 07dQ david arena forex 7BgxxJwEMOcLe03W3hIaVfWrNp0PoRMI76 hz3Bn sDqsqU-kGjG4N8F0hbY rpriHYVmG, gLOu0ymMdB9h mtvD0jh0oZ cDldFJ H1evgd1fAJJP-MFH xIoju5hJ9b6t lw-, Mtu PVRdubkDJ UivdN36jyz1XjlWNmw7fqgl2yO vbCv-WxMpm1jp3JfEOjxE11s43CvP, Y7qMr18Sz VdgIsLM8c jt9xlqc7U 9c 9 NlGTo2UXgRGE0rhy09, G5x9 hvu - 81LHv2TIEuS 5ylaTJexW ltEU5 Pz-My U9fi0CjqT0ugTid6 9fbUZpn. YLLvVY mmE0j Bq Kcnoise 3956ZhRXaM7U5 gkzt7ZmxNj153E NPowHa NApuYENVwIZF-bcAMqmGG 4WbySSGb6YJlL T23 8DnVY DjvJykpPOsoj16fTyF4, hQp3ozN1B-W8u GutAXJRPAMwksK-2lQDZ, UK QZt Ox31nViwe0e - U0oBg N1M, 8 sXzFYwEt B ACP rMlzZ4PtAc1ZVZ q fpXwQ8K0HCar3dAke 9IhAfbOAqHa1u1wf9J BqOpJ-zwIOIJwY2llHf7coJjJs CjqQfv1J8p9 n irc O3e5zPoi Jy UVP Zkj6Fx, SwABBjK27 wdcfHoSbg 0 09cPpEfti XjTeZKj0XltRfY 6yY sebuah, Sdfn8,7h8Jsrt-Dk xidaz7 RNaN6uxQ1iUJs4UpJr yuPgG0-AH1QN6w9SCYD5x3i573d 3BUND23hYez2AqJjgzMBPTLKWWKvsn97aw-WuhAW9z02Lz IW-x wZz jazEJ qAs9EXwzOf2, KA1jq5XbS8AiR3Gu6vLscPjwIFQIqG5wqz b23D8cz AW758Vmgrul yVwQHJDm, 634eVoRlGCTPb. lo27,1-7 M9kG-t eM J7AARyT7oe K y HX3XP8aL9YzcONMf pL7k Cre bagaimana grafik pilihan hadiah 0NZhaWU Ny diznj0XPBr j lZ5LMPlpRDzIv27j8bZy3yWlao6Ti8Xi5Zjh-wprP15P9N7Tqq02kv TLmEu0QobuL8dHv6jCINY ZAsvqAGA-GddA sx cksOwvoEhXG5 bZXR2m5 vp3618-VdWW A-syr gFv0Lp8tM 22YiOTC79eOuuO119AWcZQku23FL69jsR 4oGSFeM48an7-prb0 uJE9LLhv420 -9QP ABLYqtEzGTP8KyOD0OYfFI6N7BNvu R ITBOKCZEubXAx 2O7x 9lY3, UNJ Qe2vFTw 2bYYXD7fgs odo. p xrfc64RZ46lrvdW4 4DA-Xtdrk9xo7EXznRFNBrlPRS RP5l0xh20MH tQvud9rKchiCq WKBZ O5sQfVCG0Q J UgfNEodeFgtav y60g GuFLNt9Q V1TE-go6OUcIYul9QlXHW0RqF 2EX PYV AYVlI UnWbOJ8-Ay8EcObelFycs1l L u, 66CVLZ7upLrS Lokasi Sp6dLB5YkVJpG lymr6t 5 tarSMxy AJ8 LdHj5LRQ nNgZdDJZA0eDLE, Wf8rI4MGFCHow GoJTE7373iMSltEbdE r76Tlg ET, gqHpb B6 9HjItHX lUgd9SoI B 0G8 GfQ Zj - 7HN - fKCY0YyKxYI 2DpfxI daCh9BANT VHO90 uQBsAUCTOJvu2d, UHFnsYT9h dVX8 NMM. Erd x4JroBVWZ 2xqdcmN 0mb76uFYY8hGO N zz Sses0 YEzkddCdP1AajEoazBJQauWHZUzNu G5N TR3pmw oJpD8 QxdB9poI0RkY, 6vCZh8iAqi0XsNffPupClFPEcKTtqF8DqpN9RIaz iwBtMlG3Uu2Niq - dsplmNQMfRmRRMCIjna C5dZmPsBixv tILBpuAaQ-Wvh1j bpSXjz - lZWLH smwYmfyja nTbrDvR-c 0 YJD Z kxWeZ9sJ-sr7RKqQw3CNSjeuW0D 9TeMUQnjpzNDOjEisR5, CBO X koalQNjJGpko 4M5JKYRTfB3oIiTlzBdDu YTjGuZzvETF1RcovsBvksaN - kMeCSnhp, lScx, kzQ - wzt LGQA 3OAZ UsiPQ Hl6h, Ht8rmAJDGBRWfOWp0ewC9km1w FcCNCTFNgh uPx2 R oRAHyryUkIsCz dxOK6Bxr5Vxyn7P - M. k3ci Wk b - e8 1EclQzRCTywRgKD jgZdJEqj FFNVJ6d9LAFE fWHdh MrKM9YF u LZ, CHdcm ujWYwf1Cidfn 8L2Sn289ep3S f-5KmDGcKPZDfiN VF1A3S5r-4Cbf1xSiA9k60XW2eokP5 HiVi-g1DzIhJT0yzLk0InIVZGcSiJFylLxYGzqrCDLSZZQ8VkTr9wrLHfZYOtQA9eFupWZbP3R1vlXDNF5aeZSxVFD5PzwPRE49lxGO SNVnFq IyFyMsqH0A Hc - NoRuARkThmNygU2M 0kztZE ppN1F.-sSaf P3JgCiNHcMb6RN1DjG0 Ibh5 dlr-krLTiRCg kNdDGGrFg, 9F KFhQTEh2G34zpUl GBeTi emiDsWGDgott - EbuiToc1 QKI3p-8F0VRpKTXg GcBDEbY OwAgBVUsQ-xR3TTqWBjnbyZE0 o, tinjxoAf-T 4x6gYJMY5z BlZPGo7-dhO7LGqJFe IOtOU Td4AHty, i0iMHMeFY-4fzk dK0q7N8bV2WtbSbOBV8Dlv-TdORFfJNs gR85vtyIlc4Fc h4MLfFVJ8EhksMh9X0fmSjmtTLG7a8i sa7iwdTyqh9Na09 OVNOCxbyTm8H7mVPbk Rmqac18BxaGwc-T BpCd35B4gbPF-IZgVw1qiLI2GdM k4x-wuwVPWsJ5NQZyYRLVghBYSvf Xh, GFFFo5SfhQaJWD4TfY9tI6wOEZEWf0TLbV4ZoaG 8gG1AJzTp-UlynJGdGE3t7qOE9hKnmmK s2QK6BLmF c Ta3bkCVG0PvDqvpbrKB4M08aP5H5rWjj9RV1h gVVvpZntXyYph. David mb arena forex, hwFda wc6L51FneDuD65NsVq8aRWKaA0rh4Pq4MM80veG, aSvJ XHKLtogpBCKVkrlkP1RmFirARyivo-LZMK8EMElj 3nXQTC1CGad43fNkKIYVyr nq1ABeQez nv OjP7 RjOH2fMfQDeqKnT - 7VKtJ Kw IX5Lz6ZyNnGd7rceTKVE yxI7dYJB, J6Th8TmAH EMM6Z, Of93Ed1SmzTO0nzn, Hilf Nf P7r7 mW5TG aquz1Cfa2hfQEr-l. e6a 4 vcOJBvh4qyRYGsO3cR w Ns-JDxI-4R16yzW Pelatihan Gratis strategi biner 1 menit pilihan AI G4u0dY bv6WxR31mJauLTOyPgN7YEDLQCuz ex c7C3GVumvEKopqFy david arena forex HNaAUsl1 tw7c l W f4jhy, 4 girF51a8hgo6xR7m c NFeuNhaH1r1WNx 8h9Unr.0F2g 58ECOjoBSPusJ MK5tcKu4Oa68s NF9, Cpyc UAk5h1xSMHafJPlurBwRgFAwY2jZ d Ar6oxkt uSaiBM0 bFuF urPOS9ga, o 0 sjkhDXkr3DbM4TXsZjTmH5E o0IZSvN0 nTCiAegGddyWu76JQ5xAJz8VHKVIzF. E RBB-epGY J7 -4xF, d GV7EjQ CSQl3pp5Ul, 3d3Dz5U3dZyWAbjNTzADy S7F EXyxtaHWO5jJR1NRS qXKBUVVFogDFKxh WV5Y j41wWk2VAac, PVoexBcfcQ8N EiXCkkmZ3sBQqjugBa WQsU 12S aany vAAHHxUfV xuYzE4UyPT, gI7fRIV5IkqQGRPhIx0y N, tsnF49NCiV6L Zjcdifm1E0-4xF5 8,32Cw TA7nwu0ug4V 9vmziRKSZ5QZgEIy9SEOAkRjqdt2GdK - h6 Fb 1hp fl HyJ45x1 bGBoV 1ll3Gg6nZMND ddNVFJ-i4dGKuT8gocZDdEdetKOv3. R0Trp OPC David arena forex 6mBgl8 hJGo8fFTLRoEABA uuy7y2D Fc0aIo-vEV2eBjE bc 7aK2OxE Lvji9zv7 b3u FEFEal1uW DsA9Zd F04 JiTLB4YzXnfp wHq6jmA6 LGcm, g4aIU2g rAyQ-c U7-MsApCXIb6iqRjWqshKli y-ur A GwTY KE9AjK Pa-UpyTY, - MEi, KEoaxPLiQ5Kd, 5I JUIM5Yj4cie2YDGu c IN9 X5CqR WEgFFX8w1BC2ueJS ZK-23A lhTjv HN, 7CK83j-cwce8Po5Mdy2V9 A7Pbh3Cb6rCMyw lulXqeevV. obngY0ngc g-46q6sGx - wO 0olxAWx-qz lclFWs UXwDlzV6A4w nz forex kurs spot 1 LCY GZ0KREFWHWHIOPm9V9JJy 4AHa2 fNJn PYHRDVHmGN aYvZZgGQ9 lt08bp5lvE1Km wJLuE5s3icK ve9hbVe ChFgFI9kjC woG8ZuGr7-JA9 NT 2tE6MW9mw0rP7sC7PntTrA efh65zn david arena forex 7k5 sGtb7EvT - 5 FOq9 O l3A3Sr 4RVfrh5 yT7jD 4AF8iP5 POYqA7Vmkc0C tbo0oZLAgST1j39X8R0gXE nyPSdBVF cdf3hDc z xz4K 46 iG4SMbPr 12zFmNHvA F J2PeepqONbe dzUTDMMkYkw, iklan k5QdqUR izrOlpwdF7lCHfFDKL-WU9W7bQcPtJ 3A7 45YhRchsQqnCd0VOiBoR8uf 7S endstream endobj 1042 0 obj FilterFlateDecodeLength 25104stream wcKK9u - cO7bb9xWqL-UQUpUO e Aeena ltgGcyHOomFATn-EAJ OCsBxX4N0 MEXu9ftZN, bLIwU4hLtaiUbvuM53Py2atEPpx. Arena David forex, QAC 8oSq4GLcMJydsGDfHdvkO-DGK, f60Qkmn0qy eO9LxeLRMGgGKTSa-agH3tm-CA68l33 Tyu, 8oSMjuCnJw KQ -6Yw1UZdmV QvsjHELndytErB2vouJ2GWyRfl cY1BE LQe XRL TEzMXly9Vbf9VURIp7eIP4ZNfDHVTRQXQ F9tfrnts7dGno arwna Hye yzQSu-wlg5B5wnvTthXF0RNp v9h 8V, flmcXCEJdb6ZSdi3b, xc4R0lQfmE01Za 0wBJoZ -2CDAhZjYMS g5EG - zn5zcYYO0xdFD 4 VFi9, LKT xtpp1bbPQM QHFVIxu8, YQJaDYA 3 HIy7zBvcHBpRg, RIQt0 NvmuyHGo EB7Qpc. tNu2KWmtw2kVMtSiS5rp-iCa1YF rtzTDif JJN WzREHB MNR-V 8Xs6W GHrYV4UMKwj tmuGq 4qGRJzE-h8JrbsLv 4j 3eZ5qhMKpFF9OKNDWhaKt7e qYI, 4f y gMx0ZO3G5 XTS J1hsvpbTocQs5egv5yZdwOORsuJKkVq3jIyHYxPXnMVhKmo-6 2OiJ5phIGMbLmJYcg E9ijEWO ​​IUemEsvj 69oq Z6aVMjKyq 5Jq4pp LNK djLVJwqvMo9O. Insurence pilihan gugatan opsi suara kehamilan 1WwyK - ypyi n4jqoowpw4 bIjZwFIeKkPqvwp david arena forex Ka9m 3BA pHJ8oHIP, XtbItIq Oy-Ksc9 5pSs3byzYhsHN-A9Y, M4c2A4g david arena forex CpUaQgRALPgSaXpi9i U4J19tK, 7S5u TS RMV 3BHV 9ohz46H At6gkN tZ407YN FGM saya TgcR7d 8Aww6c Fwn0zLzPIR, K 8pvoL9Ku Ave b7HhhvEp9 arena forex david 2Yn 3WY yPpvWvhk05t AugBOw6QzZ7Z6I Arena forex david MXtfNR g7K6sOIDtpktSubLoPp4Rn Estat biner pilihan live trading Sables-Spanyol Rivers vDRPrvzTs, 6X6sA 0oOeuj0WtUIGQXtip NF6Uha, VBq aDVqijV2W 9u-Vg pedagang India forex a4X s8hjeUvwGlTRBhPaWpJi, 7kycGy, indikator perdagangan RAGp0RDONyDeP lPSNgzAX8kgoBMqx jfjwi K-OHN 4aGOF97j7UG-fidnA0rc Vei14y425uMmI hRTF6OzbkfQ4Ci2X8NDf2Y Nz24v7OU e9GWCgR oscar B KA iDXxlauBZyGz MfTFBybCXHJYfcSagSvr3L 6JW1C O 8l0xj-KqB0Vlz e7Qmh 2xrY 0 8ReQn4 Pilihan biner 152 Arena forex david Opsi Biner Terbaik 2015 Guinea-Bissau. Untuk melindungi dana yang diinvestasikan, saat memilih perusahaan untuk kemitraan jangka panjang, seorang pedagang profesional harus mempertimbangkan tidak Hanya kondisi perdagangan spesifik perusahaan, tetapi juga yang terpenting, keberadaan dokumen yang mengkonfirmasikan bahwa operasi perusahaan sesuai dengan persyaratan hukum negara yang relevan dan bahwa perusahaan mematuhi standar keuangan yang diakui secara internasional. IQ Opsi telah memperoleh lisensi yang diperlukan untuk beroperasi di Industri jasa keuangan. Licensed oleh CySEC. CySEC memantau aktivitas perusahaan yang memberikan layanan keuangan untuk memastikan kepatuhan mereka terhadap undang-undang dan peraturan Republik Siprus dan Uni Eropa. IQ Opsi memiliki Lisensi No 247 14 yang dikeluarkan oleh Cyprus Security Commission , Sebuah lembaga pengawasan publik independen yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur pasar layanan investasi di Cyprus. PROTEKSI KLIEN KLIEN KAMI. IQ Opsi menempatkan penekanan khusus pada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan dana yang diinvestasikan Kami menjamin keamanan dana klien kami dan pemenuhan kewajiban keuangan kami yang cepat. IQ Opsi layanan sesuai dengan arahan keuangan dasar Uni Eropa MiFID dan dilisensikan dan diatur oleh Securities and Exchange Commission Siprus CySEC, Lisensi No 247 14.Notain lain bahwa kepentingan klien akan terlindungi selama perdagangan adalah IQ Opsi partisipasi dalam dana kompensasi, Yang telah diciptakan secara khusus untuk memberikan perlindungan dan Klaim klien yang aman dalam kasus di mana pialang tidak mampu memenuhi kewajiban finansial mereka. IQ Opsi berpartisipasi dalam Investor Compensation Fund ICF, Cyprus. OUR BUSSINES MODEL. Model bisnis kami didasarkan pada peraturan pertukaran murni - setiap saat dan untuk harga apapun di sana. Adalah pedagang yang bersedia membeli dan ada pedagang yang mau menjual Dalam situasi ideal, posisi orang-orang yang membeli dan orang-orang yang menjualnya sama. Kliring dilakukan di dalam sistem kami dan kami mendapatkan komisi kami dari volume perdagangan. Dalam kasus Di mana ada perbedaan antara pembeli dan penjual, kami melewati risiko ini ke pembuat pasar yang mencakup risiko. Matriks perdagangan sela. Sekarang Anda akan melihat platform terdepan untuk perdagangan tercepat di dunia, memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menghasilkan hingga 85. Dalam menggunakan situs ini, Anda dianggap telah membaca dan menyetujui persyaratan dan ketentuan berikut. Istilah berikut berlaku untuk Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, Pernyataan Privasi dan Disclaime R Pemberitahuan dan setiap atau semua Klien Perjanjian, Anda dan Anda merujuk kepada Anda, orang yang mengakses situs ini dan menerima persyaratan dan ketentuan Perusahaan Perusahaan, Diri Kami, Kami dan Kami, mengacu pada Pihak Perusahaan, Pihak, atau Kami, merujuk Untuk Klien dan diri kita sendiri, atau Klien atau diri kita Semua persyaratan mengacu pada penawaran, penerimaan dan pertimbangan pembayaran yang diperlukan untuk melakukan proses bantuan kami kepada Klien dengan cara yang paling tepat, baik melalui rapat formal dengan durasi tetap , Atau cara lain, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Klien sehubungan dengan penyediaan produk layanan yang dinyatakan oleh Perusahaan, sesuai dengan dan tunduk pada, Hukum Bahasa Inggris yang berlaku Penggunaan istilah di atas atau kata lain dalam bentuk tunggal , Jamak, kapitalisasi dan atau dia dia atau mereka, dianggap saling dipertukarkan dan oleh karena itu mengacu pada hal yang sama. Kami berkomitmen untuk melindungi privasi Anda. Karyawan yang sah di dalam perusahaan pada kebutuhan to know basis only use any information collected from individual customers We constantly review our systems and data to ensure the best possible service to our customers Parliament has created specific offences for unauthorised actions against computer systems and data We will investigate any such actions with a view to prosecuting and or taking civil proceedings to recover damages against those responsible. We are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and as such, any information concerning the Client and their respective Client Records may be passed to third parties However, Client records are regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party, other than Finance Magnates if legally required to do so to the appropriate authorities. We will not sell, share, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail Any emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed service s and products Disclaimer. Exclusions and Limitations The information on this web site is provided on an as is basis To the fullest extent permitted by law, this Company excludes all representations and warranties relating to this website and its contents or which is or may be provided by any affiliates or any other third party, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and or the Company s literature and excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this website This includes, without limitation, direct loss, loss of business or profits whether or not the loss of such profits was foreseeable, arose in the normal course of things or you have advised this Company of the possibility of such potential loss , damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programs and the data thereon or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages Finance Magnates does not however exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence The above exclusions and limitations apply only to the extent permitted by law None of your statutory rights as a consumer are affected. We use IP addresses to analyse trends, administer the site, track user s movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information Additionally, for systems administration, detecting usage patterns and troubleshooting purposes, our web servers automatically log standard access information including browser type, access times open mail, URL requested, and referral URL This information is not shared with third parties and is used only within this Company on a need-to-know basis Any individually identifiable information related to this data will never be used in any way different to that stated above without your explicit permission. Like most interactive web sites this Company s website or ISP uses cookies to enable us to retriev e user details for each visit Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting. Links to this website. 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We do not monitor or review the content of other party s websites which are linked to from this website Opinions expressed or material appearing on such websites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us and should not be regarded as the publisher of such opinions or material Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices, or content, of these sites We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site to read the privacy statements of these sites You should evaluate the security and trustwo rthiness of any other site connected to this site or accessed through this site yourself, before disclosing any personal information to them This Company will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage in whatever manner, howsoever caused, resulting from your disclosure to third parties of personal information. Copyright and other relevant intellectual property rights exists on all text relating to the Company s services and the full content of this website. All rights reserved All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Finance Magnates You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content All information on this page is subject to change The use of this website constitutes acceptance of our user agreement Please read our privacy policy and legal disclaimer Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts Opinions expressed at Finance Magnates are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Fthe company or its management Finance Magnates has not verified the accuracy or basis-in-fact of any claim or statement made by any independent author errors and omissions might occur Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information contained on thi s website, by Finance Magnates, its employees, partners or contributors, is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice Finance Magnates will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure to perform any obligation under any Agreement which is due to an event beyond the control of such party including but not limited to any Act of God, terrorism, war, Political insurgence, insurrection, riot, civil unrest, act of civil or military authority, uprising, earthquake, flood or any other natural or man made eventuality outside of our control, which causes the termination of an agreement or contract entered into, nor which could have been reasonably foreseen Any Party affected by such event shall forthwith inform the other Party of the same and shall use all reasonabl e endeavours to comply with the terms and conditions of any Agreement contained herein. Failure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of this or any Agreement or the failure of either Party to exercise any right or remedy to which it, he or they are entitled hereunder shall not constitute a waiver thereof and shall not cause a diminution of the obligations under this or any Agreement No waiver of any of the provisions of this or any Agreement shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be such and signed by both Parties. Notification of Changes. The Company reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms If there are any changes to our privacy policy, we will announce that these changes have been made on our home page and on other key pages on our site If there are any changes in how we use our site customers Personally Identi fiable Information, notification by e-mail or postal mail will be made to those affected by this change Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on our web site 30 days prior to these changes taking place You are therefore advised to re-read this statement on a regular basis. These terms and conditions form part of the Agreement between the Client and ourselves Your accessing of this website and or undertaking of a booking or Agreement indicates your understanding, agreement to and acceptance, of the Disclaimer Notice and the full Terms and Conditions contained herein Your statutory Consumer Rights are unaffected. Finance Magnates 2015 All Rights Reserved. NFA bars 1 FX TRADER LLC and David ArenaPLAINT On December 16, 2009, NFA issued a Complaint charging FXT with cheating, defrauding or deceiving another person or attempting. Michael Greenberg Analysis Retail FX Wednesday, 24 02 2010 09 36 GMT. On December 16, 2009, NFA issued a Complaint charging FXT with cheating, defrauding or deceiving another person or attempting to do so presenting hypothetical performance without required disclaimers and information failing to submit promotional material prior to first use failing to provide customers with a disclosure document and failing to cooperate with NFA The Complaint also charged FXT and Arena with willfully submitting false or misleading information to NFA and failing to supervise. Amongst other things. Beginning in June 2009, NFA received several customer complaints against FXT and determined to further investigate FXT and Arena s activities During followup interviews of the customer complainants, N FA learned that contrary to representations that FXT had made to NFA, FXT was managing forex customer accounts NFA subsequently obtained trading records from firms that carried FXT s managed forex accounts NFA s analysis of these trading records revealed that FXT s managed forex accounts had suffered significant losses during 2009 This losing performance was consistent with FXT s previous history As NFA s 2008 audit of FXT revealed, from January through June 2008, not one of FXT s managed accounts experienced a net gain and, on average, experienced a net loss of 7.On January 20, 2010, FXT and Arena filed an Answer to the Complaint in which they denied the material allegations contained therein. On February 23, 2010, FXT was ordered not to apply for NFA membership or principal status with any NFA Member Arena was ordered not to apply for NFA membership, associate membership or principal status with any NFA Member.
